How does ellevate work?

ellevate is a monthly subscription giving you (the artist) access to artist management support and insider knowledge across the full scope of the music industry.

On our Quartz Tier you have access to a Whatsapp group, IRL meet ups and Virtual Office Hours where you can access real working artist managers to ask for support with your career.

ellevate also host monthly ‘In conversation with…’ sessions where we invite experts working within the music industry to share their techniques for how they create successful artists. We’ve decided on an interview format because we want to ask them questions to really dig into what they do and how they do it so you can walk away with practical tips, rather than them coming and doing a presentation.

ellevate also gives you access to wellness support. We host monthly online breathwork sessions to provide you with a moment of calm and teach you techniques for managing pressure in our industry.

Chrome Tier gives you access to all of this and the added benefit of matching you with an artist manager who will become your personal coach, setting big goals and working out the steps it takes for you to reach those big goals.

Who should join ellevate Quartz?

Quartz is for all artists who want to get access to new ways of thinking in the modern music industry. Artists who might be doing it alone or with a small team and want to expand the expertise they have access to.

It’s also for artists who want help with accountability for reaching their goals. ellevate is designed to keep you on track and focussed on your goals and providing you with resources to reach your goals.

ellevate is for artists that want to go full time and actually make money. We’re all about building sustainable businesses over here so if you want support in that ellevate is for you!

Lastly ellevate is for artists that want to be part of a community that genuinely want to see them win and will do everything they can to see you successful.

Who should join ellevate Chrome?

Chrome is for artists that are beyond the very early-stage. Artists that seriously want to move their career forward and are ready to invest time and resources into making that happen.

By assigning you with a personal manager you have someone invested in seeing you become successful.

How do you select your ellevate experts?

These experts have been selected because of their experience, ability to create success for artists and importantly their knowledge of the grassroots music industry.

We feel like there is no point in inviting speakers who haven’t worked with early-stage or breaking artists for a long time because they won’t understand the pressures and hurdles faced by those artists today.

We pick people we know are doing incredible things to grow the careers of the artists they work with.

How do you schedule you ellevate expert speakers?

Each month at ellevate centres on a particular theme so that we can drill down on that specific area and give you really in depth knowledge.

We have so much planned including;

  • Community building

  • Digital marketing

  • Live touring

  • Live show development

  • Sync

  • Merch

  • Artist Development

  • Brand Partnerships

  • Radio

  • Playlisting

I’m not an artist but I am working in the music industry, can I still join?

Absolutely. We recommend ellevate Quartz to anyone that wants access to regular information and education from music industry experts.

If you’re an aspiring manager or want to work with artists you can learn a lot from being in the ellevate communuty.

How do you match Chrome members with their artist manager?

Chrome is by application only so we can understand where you are in your career and whether Chrome would be beneficial to you. We then have a quick intro call to understand your goals a bit further.

Once we have that information we match you with an artist manager that we feel will be able to support you in those goals. We might have someone that is strong in your genre or is really strong in developing a live business or sync business for artists for example. It will be entirely bespoke around your needs.

We have access to an extremely vast network of artist managers who are ready and waiting to support you on your journey, and who knows, if it all goes well maybe you end up working together in a more traditional manager/artist setting beyond the ellevate platform.